FlashCheck is an extra add-on for FlashGet program that enlarges its capability. It is very handy and can be used for many purposes. FlashCheck allows you to send an e-mail containing a certain URL linking you to some file on the other computer, so that this file can be downloaded with the FlashGet program, i.e. the program sends a notification to the other computer with a faster Internet connection and starts FlashGet automatically to download the specified file quicker. FlashCheck allows you to make your personal settings. You should create your account and indicate a POP3 server, port, user name and password. It is also necessary to define a Notify mode: it can be a pop-up window with a subject. You can also set any WAV file to notify you about a new message. In the Option menu you should set the checking interval, adjust settings for the e-mail client and download the agent. Like any messenger program FlashCheck is integrated into your pop-down menu and notifies you every time it receives a new link. The program is very lightweight and completely free.